2K, 4K even 8K resolution
More than 6000+pictures, animations
Welcome to
Lock-Master Arts!
Unique, high quality, NSFW 3D-BDSM
fetish images
I produce graphic images, including comics and animations, which are parts of my various fictional universes about an evil company that goes by the name of the Lock-Master Corporation. The company’s main portfolio to the eye of the public is manufacturing BDSM toys -which aren’t actually toys but rather extremely reliable high-tech security bondage devices-, while in secret they endeavor to capture females and sell them as slaves to affluent customers for the right price. In these stories, the Lock-Master Corporation provides extreme and cruel services, including kidnapping and locking-up women securely, and permanently. Each story usually contains 50-230 pictures in 4K resolution and I regularly put out content from a weekly to monthly basis.
Lock-Master Corporation® presents
Quality pleasure of metal bondage. “Cold steel for hot girls.”

2K, 4K Even 8K Resolution
More than 5000+ pictures, animations

30 days Membership (Master Key)
Chastity slavery and permanent bondage
We reliably secure our values!

Available platforms
By Supporting Me You Help Me Keep Producing Quality Content And You Also Gain Instant Access To All Of My Previous Content And Upcoming Releases.
Thank you so much!